Tablet Use for Whatsapp

by Yusuf Chem


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Important DISCLAIMER : This application is not an official app of original Whatsapp company. This is just a 3rd party application. Please be aware of that. Learn to use Whatsapp messenger application in your tablet device with your mobile phone.. Install Whatsapp messenger to your phone, after that install Whatsapp for tablet application to your tablet and use your existing account in your tablet, and chat with your friends..
With this app, you can use your existing Whatsapp account in your tablet devices, simultaneously ! My application is an easy to use app, you will use this app with just scanning the QR code in your tablet device with your mobile phone, which has the Whatsapp account in it..
Features:* Use Whatsapp messenger in your tablet* Chat with Whatsapp messenger * Use your existing Whatsapp account in your tablet simultaneously * Easy to install and easy to use for everyone